but seriously!!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

A Move

Back in Delhi after a year and a half or more. Feels good to be back home. But as much as I'm hesitant to admit it, I do miss certain aspects of Bombay.

The efficiency for one. The manner in which everyone from the professionals I interact in office to the household help is professional. The lack of power outages. The friends we had started to make.

And I miss the better weather (no, not the God forsaken rains, though). Here it is the season of waiting-for-the-rains. Which traslates to rotten heat and body odours. Why haven't people responded to the Rexona Ad? Why are so many public menaces on the loose?!!

It doesn't help that the office is shifting. So the whole place looks like a dump. The Delhi office didn't exactly look to swank to start with. And the airconditioning was moved two f***ing weeks before the poor sods who work here. Misery!

And I do miss some of the people in the Mumbai office. The efficiency and the courtesy there was a good few notches above this.

What I love is the familiarity of Delhi. Knowing where the road takes me. Which patli gali I can slide into to escape the infrequent jams on the main roads. And Khan Market where the shopkeepers and I have interacted for twenty odd years. I like. Even if a whole lot of people who were an intrinsic part of my life here are no longer in the city.

Hope our lives get a little more settled now. Hope I find a new direction and am able to fullfil myself better than before at work. (Been-there-done that business fails to grip).

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